Why Olivia felt sorry for Jesus
The other day I took Olivia for a walk in the jogger stroller down the main road in our town. There is a catholic church that has a cross in the ground out front made of 4 x 4 posts, and it is draped with the purple or white swag of cloth, depending on the time of year. So as we walk past, Olivia says, "Mommy, is that the cross Jesus died for us on?". And I say, "No sweetie, His cross was much bigger and very far away, but this one is supposed to remind us of what He did for us." In a very worried tone Olivia cries, "But Mommy, Jesus left His blankie on the cross!!!"
Seriously, the greatest response ever.
Jesus left a lot on that cross, didn't he?
Thank the Lord!
Work in Progress, at 3:25 PM
I love kid logic! It makes me happy :)
give livy and abigail a hug from me!!!
Free and Living, at 5:35 PM
Oh, too sweet!
I miss ya'll!!
Eliz and the girls
elizabeth, at 4:15 PM
Mish- Abigail was asking about you just yesyerday. She pointed to a pic of you and said, "Can we please visit her? I love her!"
You made quite an impression!
Amy of the Hill, at 5:47 AM
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