I got Tagged! (Which is much better than being Punk'd)
OK Sue tagged me so here goes...
4 jobs I've had:
1. Chuck-E-Cheese! This was my first real job. I was a party hostess, and I WAS Chuckie! It was so much fun Chuckin' it! I used to play all kinds of fun games while in costume, and I got to stand on the tables and dance, and my friends and I used to have shopping cart races down a hill in the parking lot while in costume! Then I got punched in the face (Chuckie's face) by a VERY muscular man (really painful!) and that was pretty much the end of my stint as the Chuckmiester.
2. Admin. Assistant/receptionist for a Christian attorney and good friend. I definitely don't want to be a lawyer when I grow up!
3. Villa Rosa - a fancy linen and giftshop close to our home in Tampa. I learned a lot about linens and store displays (my fave part!).
4. Best job ever... Mom to two beautiful daughters and wife to a great man! (No, I don't get paid, but it can be hard work!)
4 movies I'd watch over and over again:
1. Anne of Green Gables
2. Lord of the Rings trilogy
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. Sleepless in Seattle
4 places I've lived:
1. Virginia Beach, VA (birth thru 18 mos) (can't remember 18 mos thru 4 years)
2. Valdosta, GA (ages 4-8)
3. Brandon/Tampa, FL (ages 8-26)
4. Richmond Hill, GA (current)
4 places I've loved to vacation:
1. Virgin Islands (honeymoon)
2. France (Paris, Normandy, Giverny)
3. New Zealand
4. Disney World (I'm just a kid at heart)
4 concerts I was glad I went to:
1. Billy Joel and Elton John (1995)
2. Audio Adrenaline/ Five Iron Frenzy
3. O.C. Supertones
4. Delirious
4 dishes I love to eat:
1. Moe's Close Talker with red beans, tofu, and extra cilantro (bueno)!
2. My lasagne
3. Anything at my new fave place: A Taste of India
4. Sushi (especially the tuna)
4 sites I visit daily: (not always daily...)
1. My blog buddies
2. My Space (yes, I caved in to that too)
3. My email
4. jessiegoodman.com (my best friend)
4 places I'd rather be right now:
1. Disney World with my hubby and kids (we're going in a week!)
2. New Zealand
3. Starbucks with Jessie
4. Anywhere with family
4 blog buddies I'm tagging: (seems like everyone else has already been tagged)
1. Bob (bro-in-law-in-law?) I saw Sue's, now post Bob's answers!
2. Elizabeth V.
3. My man, Steve (do you have what it takes?)
4. I need more blog buddies!
4 jobs I've had:
1. Chuck-E-Cheese! This was my first real job. I was a party hostess, and I WAS Chuckie! It was so much fun Chuckin' it! I used to play all kinds of fun games while in costume, and I got to stand on the tables and dance, and my friends and I used to have shopping cart races down a hill in the parking lot while in costume! Then I got punched in the face (Chuckie's face) by a VERY muscular man (really painful!) and that was pretty much the end of my stint as the Chuckmiester.
2. Admin. Assistant/receptionist for a Christian attorney and good friend. I definitely don't want to be a lawyer when I grow up!
3. Villa Rosa - a fancy linen and giftshop close to our home in Tampa. I learned a lot about linens and store displays (my fave part!).
4. Best job ever... Mom to two beautiful daughters and wife to a great man! (No, I don't get paid, but it can be hard work!)
4 movies I'd watch over and over again:
1. Anne of Green Gables
2. Lord of the Rings trilogy
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. Sleepless in Seattle
4 places I've lived:
1. Virginia Beach, VA (birth thru 18 mos) (can't remember 18 mos thru 4 years)
2. Valdosta, GA (ages 4-8)
3. Brandon/Tampa, FL (ages 8-26)
4. Richmond Hill, GA (current)
4 places I've loved to vacation:
1. Virgin Islands (honeymoon)
2. France (Paris, Normandy, Giverny)
3. New Zealand
4. Disney World (I'm just a kid at heart)
4 concerts I was glad I went to:
1. Billy Joel and Elton John (1995)
2. Audio Adrenaline/ Five Iron Frenzy
3. O.C. Supertones
4. Delirious
4 dishes I love to eat:
1. Moe's Close Talker with red beans, tofu, and extra cilantro (bueno)!
2. My lasagne
3. Anything at my new fave place: A Taste of India
4. Sushi (especially the tuna)
4 sites I visit daily: (not always daily...)
1. My blog buddies
2. My Space (yes, I caved in to that too)
3. My email
4. jessiegoodman.com (my best friend)
4 places I'd rather be right now:
1. Disney World with my hubby and kids (we're going in a week!)
2. New Zealand
3. Starbucks with Jessie
4. Anywhere with family
4 blog buddies I'm tagging: (seems like everyone else has already been tagged)
1. Bob (bro-in-law-in-law?) I saw Sue's, now post Bob's answers!
2. Elizabeth V.
3. My man, Steve (do you have what it takes?)
4. I need more blog buddies!
Amy, Thanks for playing! Loved the Chucky Cheese story. Yeah, you've traveled to some great places. Hope we see you for a reunion! Love ya!
Flower Mound Mom, at 8:10 AM
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Anonymous, at 4:00 PM
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Anonymous, at 7:23 AM
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